The concept of being "seen" was a recurring theme throughout my studies - looking back at the book POWER by Kemi Nekpavil I had highlighted, "I would have felt I was seen and that I belonged and that I could aspire", a reflection on what could have been if there was representation in being seen.

It led to me learning about my own internalised racism with Annie Gichuru and reaffirmed my belief that people will always remember how you made them feel.  This enabled me to reflect through not only a white, thin and able bodied, cis-het and privileged lens but a lens of diversity.

I believe there is power in how we see others, there is power in others being seen and there is power in how we see ourselves.  I believe that being seen is fundamental to my coaching.  As a coach there is power that I hold in creating power for others to see themselves. 






The concept of being "seen" was a recurring theme throughout my studies - looking back at the book POWER by Kemi Nekpavil I had highlighted, "I would have felt I was seen and that I belonged and that I could aspire", a reflection on what could have been if there was representation in being seen.

It led to me learning about my own internalised racism with Annie Gichuru and reaffirmed my belief that people will always remember how you made them feel.  This enabled me to reflect through not only a white, thin and able bodied, cis-het and privileged lens but a lens of diversity.

I believe there is power in how we see others, there is power in others being seen and there is power in how we see ourselves.  I believe that being seen is fundamental to my coaching.  As a coach there is power that I hold in creating power for others to see themselves. 



Coaching Clients

“When I decided to start this journey with Kristin, I wanted to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and overcome the thought that I would never be able to achieve my goals. I didn't think I had the mental toughness (or physical toughness) to get there. Kristin kept me accountable, but always in a way that encouraged me to reflect on my behaviour, reframe the situation and figure out how I would move on to stay on track. This was tough for me.

Sometimes reflecting on my behaviour revealed things that I didn't want to know about myself, but Kristin never judged and was always supportive.

This whole experience has shown me that I'm more capable than I gave myself credit for. I've had a shift in my mindset in terms of my strength and endurance, and my relationship with food is much better than it was. Kristin has equipped me with the tools (physical and mental) to help me achieve whatever goal I aim for.

It's also a massive plus their guidance has meant that I'm not afraid to go to the gym by myself anymore!

Kristin, I am so grateful for the support, the training and the fun you brought into this journey I went on to achieve my goal!”

- Caroline Wong

Life Coaching Clients

“When I decided to start this journey with Kristin, I wanted to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and overcome the thought that I would never be able to achieve my goals. I didn't think I had the mental toughness (or physical toughness) to get there. Kristin kept me accountable, but always in a way that encouraged me to reflect on my behaviour, reframe the situation and figure out how I would move on to stay on track. This was tough for me.

Sometimes reflecting on my behaviour revealed things that I didn't want to know about myself, but Kristin never judged and were always supportive.

This whole experience has shown me that I'm more capable than I gave myself credit for. I've had a shift in my mindset in terms of my strength and endurance, and my relationship with food is much better than it was. Kristin have equipped me with the tools (physical and mental) to help me achieve whatever goal I aim for (Paul's double knee and Kristin's boulders, here I come!).

It's also a massive plus their guidance has meant that I'm not afraid to go to the gym by myself anymore!

Kristin, I am so grateful for the support, the training and the fun you brought into this journey I went on to achieve my goal!”

- Caroline Wong


Before starting my coaching series with Kristin, I was lacking a lot of confidence, self trust and could not take action on the things that I wanted to do. I wanted to become a 'go getter' and live life on my own terms without any fear or judgment but I overthought everything. I cared way too much about what other people thought of me and it was a really, really hard time for me.

In the short time I worked with Kristin, I was absolutely blown away with just how much I achieved.

Having clear direction and accountability was truly the changing point for me. This meant that instead of all of these things I wanted to do just being a thought, I had to actually go out and take aligned action. I felt so empowered during my sessions with Kristin. I felt seen and heard.

Being able to come to our sessions and unpack these and tell Kristin how I successfully ticked off all of these tasks really sparked motivation and momentum.  I built so much self trust after six incredible sessions.

It's safe to say that I am now the confident girl I wanted to be and I don't  care too much about other people's opinions.  

I finally believe in myself and  feel so empowered. I am finally present in my life and can actually stop and smell the roses and appreciate the position that I am in now however I understand that it really is a reflection of the hard work that I have put in.

The self trust I have in myself and just not caring what other people think is incredible.”

Kayla Rogers 



“I recently completed a six-part life coaching series with Kristin, and something that I reflected on when the series ended was the unconditional space that was held for me throughout the series. And what that allowed me to do was really deep dive into my goals and often realizing that subconsciously there was more to my goals than what I had initially thought after setting them in session one, and the container that Kristin was able to build for me as her client really enabled me to have trust, to speak my truth, and really be seen & be heard to get to the bottom of my goals and make some really sustainable, impactful change in the areas that I was hoping to throughout my series. 

Kristin has this absolute innate ability to be able to see the potential in you and to push you lovingly to really challenge and stretch yourself.  She's phenomenal at getting you to raise the bar on yourself without feeling like you're coming from a place of scarcity but rather that you do have more to offer and she helps you to stop playing small in those areas as well.

My coaching series with Kristin has really made some significant impacts. On my life and my self confidence and the acceptance of who I am as well. And I couldn't be more thankful for what Kristin has provided me in terms of holding that space and the achievement of my goals in the 12 week series.”

Sarah Townsend


Prior to coaching with Kristin I felt unhappy and lost. The troubles in my marriage affected me to the point where I couldn’t trust myself to make decisions or connect with myself. My confidence was low and I wanted it back but I had no idea how. I wanted to feel like myself again and I was yearning to evolve into the next version of me.

I knew I needed help and I was ready for it. 

I was excited to get started. At first, when faced with questions I felt very confused and embarrassed about where I was at. The fact that I couldn’t answer questions about myself was very upsetting as I was so disconnected from myself. Kristin was so understanding and helped me feel comfortable. By the end of the session we gently re-worded my goals into a way that transformed them into powerful goals.  I had actions to take to help me take those first steps to stop feeling so unsure. 

That first session was the start of something very special.  It helped me understand what I needed to work on and I absolutely loved the direction I took and I began trusting and connecting with myself.

I wanted to discover myself again and feel happy and confident within myself. I would be clear about who I am, what I am truly capable of, what I want, and what I deserve.

I can now say that I know what I want, that I am connecting with myself and I am confidently backing myself and my decisions.  I am able to feel peace.   I am feeling so happy within myself. I am being clear,  feeling incredibly confident within myself and believing that I am the greatest mum to my daughter. 

Working with Kristin made a significant impact on me and I’m so grateful.  The whole experience was transforming, empowering & life-changing.

Krystal Jones 



Prior to coaching with Kristin I felt unhappy and lost. The troubles in my marriage affected me to the point where I couldn’t trust myself to make decisions or connect with myself. My confidence was low and I wanted it back but I had no idea how. I wanted to feel like myself again and I was yearning to evolve into the next version of me.

I knew I needed help and I was ready for it. 

I was excited to get started. At first, when faced with questions I felt very confused and embarrassed about where I was at. The fact that I couldn’t answer questions about myself was very upsetting as I was so disconnected from myself. Kristin was so understanding and helped me feel comfortable. By the end of the session we gently re-worded my goals into a way that transformed them into powerful goals.  I had actions to take to help me take those first steps to stop feeling so unsure. 

That first session was the start of something very special.  It helped me understand what I needed to work on and I absolutely loved the direction I took and I began trusting and connecting with myself.

I wanted to discover myself again and feel happy and confident within myself. I would be clear about who I am, what I am truly capable of, what I want, and what I deserve

I now can say that I know what I want.  I am connecting with myself.  I am confidently backing myself and my decisions.  I am able to feel peace.   I am feeling so happy within myself. I am being clear,  I am feeling incredibly confident within myself and believing that I am the greatest mum to my daughter. 

Working with Kristin made a significant impact on me and I’m so grateful.  The whole experience was transforming, empowering & life-changing.

Krystal Medeiros 



“Hi, I'm Martin. I have Kristin Meldrum as a life coach and why do I need a life coach in life? I'm 44 years old and I've been in therapy for many many years.  Now, I want to move forward.  I want to create and be in the future. The way Kristin is coaching me is a very fun, productive and challenging way which I really love.

The way she coaches me is very specific so that there is no misunderstanding, it's very clear communication which is needed for me. Another thing that is also a requirement for me is feeling comfortable so I can open up. As a person that's been in therapy for so many years being comfortable is number 1.

Kristin's way of coaching though supporting of setting goals, the actions to reach them and the execution is a fun way that I never experienced before.

I really look forward to every session because it's not only challenging me but it puts life in a new perspective and it's my life and it's my goals and that makes it fun. Looking at therapy where it's mostly digging in the past, now it's just about creating.  Kristin is a great, five star coach who also challenges me and I appreciate that.

I hope if you're searching for a great life coach you choose Kristin." 

Martin Hagström - Sri Lanka



"Hello, my name is Leah. I am a female specific health and fitness coach. What I really noticed in myself as a busy woman and a business owner is that I wouldn't necessarily practice what I was preaching, so although I really thoroughly enjoy women learning to put themselves first and finding time in their day to fulfil their own needs, what I actually got caught up in is essentially was not doing this myself.

I reached out to Kristin to look at doing a transformation, learn to put myself first, improve my physique but what actually came of Kristin’s coaching was far beyond the physique transformation and the photoshoot that I did.

What it actually led to was a deeper connection to myself, self-confidence, definitely learning to back that up with boundaries that I needed to put in place as a busy business owner and a woman and really learning to embrace my body and my body image issues as well as my relationship with food.

If anyone might be sitting on the fence about taking up coaching, I'd highly recommend Kristin. She's not only very caring and nurturing, within her personality, but what I found from her was that I needed accountability and I did at times need to have some of those limiting beliefs lifted from my shoulder and to work on these limiting beliefs and those excuses that were cropping up for me throughout my journey. Kristin was able to help me through this process.

Nothing was too difficult or too difficult of a conversation with Kristin. She's very warm and friendly however, she will keep you on track as well which is something that I definitely needed at the time upon reflection.

 If you're after transformation for yourself or you want to become more confident as a woman and break some of those limiting beliefs or barriers then I would recommend Kristin 100%.

Leah Wheeler

When I started working with Kristin, I was in the early stages of sobriety and I was trying to rebuild my life.  

I went into the  discovery session  with an open mind and didn’t have much expectations.I knew within the first five minutes of talking with Kristin that she was the right coach for me. As someone who has spent a lot of time in therapy and digging in the past I knew that she was different.  There was an openness with her that made me feel safe, listened to and understood.

By the end of the first session I knew that I didn't need to hide anything and could be open and speak freely about anything.

Since coaching with Kristin, I have noticed that I have opened up socially.  I am an introvert however I was also hiding myself from the world. I have now been taking small steps out of my garden (literally) and making more connections with people.

My biggest achievement from this coaching experience is that I am still sober and more open to social experiences.

My experience with Kristin was comfortable yet challenging and kind.

Martin Hagström - Sri Lanka


When I started working with Kristin, I was in the early stages of sobriety and I was trying to rebuild my life.  

I went into the  discovery session  with an open mind and didn’t have much expectations.I knew within the first five minutes of talking with Kristin that she was the right coach for me. As someone who has spent a lot of time in therapy and digging in the past I knew that she was different.  There was an openness with her that made me feel safe, listened to and understood.

By the end of the first session I knew that I didn't need to hide anything and could be open and speak freely about anything.

Since coaching with Kristin, I have noticed that I have opened up socially.  I am an introvert however I was also hiding myself from the world. I have now been taking small steps out of my garden (literally) and making more connections with people.

My biggest achievement from this coaching experience is that I am still sober and more open to social experiences.

My experience with Kristin was comfortable yet challenging and kind.

Martin Hagström - Sri Lanka


“My name is Leah. I am a female health and fitness coach. I recently had an amazing experience with Kristin to prep me for a photo shoot.  A few key takeaways that I had for Kristin is basically nothing but the support that she actually offers.

As a female to female, she was fully aware of the potential obstacles or hurdles that may have come my way and really helped push I guess my limiting beliefs in those areas, particularly in my life.  What that led to was a really, really great outcome for my photo shoot, which I'm really really proud of.

But more importantly, it helped me blossom as a woman helped bring my self-confidence.  So if you're after a female coach, who can help you with all those wonderful things, then I will not hesitate to recommend Kristin to help you out as well.”

Leah Wheeler

"Kristin believed in me and saw qualities in me and that means a lot to me.

Thank you for being there for me through my struggles in life both personal and work related.  Thank you for teaching me lots of things and supporting me in areas where I needed to improve. Please never stop doing it as this is the way for me to be a better person.

You helped me realise a lot of things and one of them is that running is not really as bad as I thought haha.  I hope you will continue inspire and support people in their journeys through life, just like you did with me.

Thanks a lot for everything, I am very happy to have you in my life and I really hope our friendship will continue and grow."




My name is Six. I'm based here in New Zealand in Auckland. I've owned a gym now for going into my 4th year now but I've been coaching for about 10 years for most of that time. I've been helping others in terms of training and mindset around training at themselves and for the very first time, I've actually taken this step to do that for myself in terms of looking after my mental health and to start to unlock some of these things that are holding me back. So I started working with Kristin towards that, and from the very first session, she made me feel very safe, very comfortable to open up and talk about some things that are pretty hard for me to talk about and she's made me feel really comfortable just to be able to just enjoy our chats. They are really hard conversations I'm not gonna lie. Often I just sit there in silence thinking about what the answer should be and Kristin is always there to help in terms of when I get stuck. I know there's a lot of work for me to still do but she's already helping me to start to see things and patterns that I've been doing for so many years and I really love that she's gentle and caring as well but gives you that push when you need it
especially with that one reply back she'll be messaging me pumping messages but like I said this is the very first time that I've actually worked on my mental health side of things and that most of us coaches you know we like to look after our physical but never work on ourselves in terms of you know up here and it's been really great journey so far and you know I will recommend any coach to go through this journey that I've taken on and to experience what I'm experiencing as well
because even though it's hard it's really rewarding especially when we finish our calls and you know you feel like you got more questions and answers but you do feel right and you know I'm looking forward to carrying on this journey with Kristin and see how far we can take it and overcome some of these things that are holding me back.

Six - Auckland 


“Last year I went through some very big struggles in my personal life which caused me to completely disconnect from myself. I lost all trust in myself and my confidence level was very low.

 I began working with Kristin, who coached  and supported me in making changes and taking action towards the life that I've envisioned for myself, and for my future. 

I went from feeling completely disconnected from myself to now feeling so connected. I feel so confident in myself and can now say that I can confidently back myself and my decisions, that I am an amazing role model to my daughter. 

I have taken so much action to be able to build myself up and find myself again. I've invested in myself and I'm so happy I did.

I am going to continue working on myself because the work never stops. Thank you so much, Kristin. You have changed my life.”

Krystal Jones 



"Working with Kristin Meldrum through a coaching series has been a transformative, provocative, and emotional yet a deep experience.  Kristin encouraged me to become who I already was
and to celebrate that.  She helped me to see the truth within me, the power that I have and how I can make a difference in people's lives in my business and most importantly in my own life.

If you are somebody that is looking for the truth and someone who is willing to do the work Kristin is the person for you." 

Carlo Tassone

was sick and tired of being stagnant and in the exact same environment for year after year. I was ready to grow and evolve.  By the end of the first session I was ready. I began not caring about what other people thought and started living life on my own terms. I now have so much self trust, and confidence and am very hopeful for the future.  

I know, now, that it will always be bright.

I am now living my life to the absolute fullest and could not be happier with this decision and I truly owe a lot of it to this coaching series. In terms of confidence; I have so much self trust in myself now. I don’t overthink my decisions due to worrying about what others think of me. I live my life on my own terms.

My two biggest achievements were moving to the Gold Coast and also having full confidence in myself. On reflection, it would've been extremely unlikely that I would have made the move to the Gold coast if it wasn’t for Kristin.   I still would have been too scared to create talking content on Instagram. I now have full confidence to talk on Instagram and post what I want because I’ve said goodbye to my limiting beliefs. I don’t let other people's thoughts or opinions stop me from doing what I want.

I’ve never felt so free, helpful, confident, grateful, and aligned.

My coaching experience was transformational, enlightening, and aligned.

I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful.  I truly am so appreciative and I can honestly say that this has changed my life (I’m crying writing this again - shows how much of an impact this coaching has had because I never cry). 

I could not recommend these services enough. Kristin, you are incredible at what you do.

Kayla Rogers 

was sick and tired of being stagnant and in the exact same environment for year after year. I was ready to grow and evolve.  By the end of the first session I was ready. I began not caring about what other people thought and started living life on my own terms. I now have so much self trust, and confidence and am very hopeful for the future.  

I know, now, that it will always be bright.

I am now living my life to the absolute fullest and could not be happier with this decision and I truly owe a lot of it to this coaching series. In terms of confidence; I have so much self trust in myself now. I don’t overthink my decisions due to worrying about what others think of me. I live my life on my own terms.

My two biggest achievements were moving to the Gold Coast and also having full confidence in myself. On reflection, it would've been extremely unlikely that I would have made the move to the Gold coast if it wasn’t for Kristin.   I still would have been too scared to create talking content on Instagram. I now have full confidence to talk on Instagram and post what I want because I’ve said goodbye to my limiting beliefs. I don’t let other people's thoughts or opinions stop me from doing what I want.

I’ve never felt so free, helpful, confident, grateful, and aligned.

My coaching experience was transformational, enlightening, and aligned.

I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful.  I truly am so appreciative and I can honestly say that this has changed my life (I’m crying writing this again - shows how much of an impact this coaching has had because I never cry). 

I could not recommend these services enough. Kristin, you are incredible at what you do.

Kayla Rogers 




“Hi, my name is Rachel and I'm a mum of 3. I wanted to share with you my recent amazing experience with Kristin as my coach and MPC that culminated in an amazing life-changing photoshoot for me. I've been with Kristin for a little over a year now and I originally went to her just for general fitness. What it turned into was more than just physical coaching, going to the gym and getting some exercises to tone my body up and get fitter again. I was able to achieve some fitness goals getting my 2.4k run down to under 12 and a half minutes and being able to maintain five and a half-minute case in a recent 10k run

Kristin helped me with so much other aspects of my life.  She became a coach, a friend and a mentor. Her approach is gentle and kind. When the self-doubt and imposter syndrome kicked in, all I had to do was send her a message. She was available for me any time of day and she would help talk me off that ledge so to speak and give me some tips and hinters, ask some key questions of me to ask of myself for some self-reflection. So what turned into originally a fitness journey ended up into life coaching and helping with my own mental health and well-being and becoming a more confident person in my life as a mother, a wife and at my workplace and job.

How this ended was I decided that I wanted to do a fitness shoot and it seemed out of my scope. I looked at the photographer who was absolutely amazing, saw the Instagram feeds and thought these girls are models, I can't do that. No way can I do that. I was very nervous about it. It was hard work, it was a good challenge for me and I tend to be the kind of person that never finishes anything but I was determined to finish this. With the help of Kristin and MPC I could work through the self-doubt and challenges, not just physical challenges but the mental barriers, that I would throw up on myself and the reflection that I was seeing and eventually the reflection I saw in the mirror and the changes in my body and my mindset that I could see connected with my brain. When I had the photoshoot and I saw some of the behind the scenes shots I went oh my gosh that's me and it was the most liberating and life changing experience for me to know that I am one of those girls and I did do it!

I couldn't have done that without Kristin's help and on the day I actually got quite emotional and felt like crying, partly because that part of my journey was over and I done it and the sense of achievement, but also the feelings and the gratitude and the thanks that I had for Kristin and I'm getting emotional talking about it now for what she's helped me through in the past year I couldn't have done most of that without her but I also know that it was me that achieved these things so thanks Kristin.

I'm 44 years old and I've had three kids, if you're a female and you want someone who understands and gives you a healthy relationship with understanding your food needs, your hormonal needs, your psych needs, your mental health needs, I can't recommend Kristin higher and it was the most fantastic life-changing experience and I look forward to what goals we can work on next


Online Training Clients

I have always been in the heaviest end of the spectrum and tried all the ways and methods you can find on the market to shed some weight and be fitter and healthier.

For me, these plans didn't really work and it quickly fell apart.  I felt I was on my own and other priorities would come up to help shut down these plans. Trying to find a way back into them only led me to be heavier. This became a cycle until I met Kristin.

Kristin is not only is great at what she does, she also takes the time to understand and helped me break my barriers and in turn the never ending cycle where where I wasn't prioritising my health and fitness.

She would try her best to understand my challenges and suggests ways to help me think outside the box. You know she listens well as she can reference back to information from previous conversations.

She provides constructive feedback and always made me want to push myself harder. At the same time, she supported me in a way that my bad days weren't all that bad. Priorities for me has always been family and work but Kristin has managed to have me realise that I can be part of that priority also!

Her support is never ending and I never for a minute felt I was on this fitness journey on my own.

Kay Chan 

Online Training Clients

Kristin not only is great at what she does, she also takes time to understand and helped me break my barriers and in turn the never ending cycle. 

I have always been in the heaviest end of the spectrum and tried all the ways and methods you can find on the market to shed some weight and be fitter and healthier.

For me, these plans didn't really work and it quickly fell apart as I am on my own and other priorities come up to help shut them down. Trying to find a way back into them only led me to be heavier. This became a cycle until I met Kristin.

She would try her best to understand my challenges and suggests ways to help me think outside the box. You know she listens well as she can reference back to information that was from previous conversations.

She provides constructive feedback and will always make you want to push yourself harder. At the same time, she will support you in a way that your bad days are not all that bad. Priorities for me has always been family and work but Kristin has managed to have me realise that I can be part of that priority also!

Her support is never ending and I never for a minute felt I was on this fitness journey on my own.”

- Kay Chan (Chef)

When I first started I wanted to move toward a fitter body with a better mindset around a healthy lifestyle and remove unhealthy food and alcohol patterns.  I wanted to be able to be the best version of myself - physically, emotionally and mentally.

I expected to get results, maintain those results and improve on my lifestyle.  I wanted a clearer vision and understanding of how to achieve the results I wanted.

I now have a better understanding of what is actually going into my body and am now eating the correct foods to get the results I want.

The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is a much clearer mindset and I really love the ongoing support and guidance.  My biggest achievement from the coaching experience is actually getting the results I wanted to get and being able to see the end goal in sight. 

I really enjoy the accountability, ongoing support and guidance and the coaching was supportive, consistent and with zero judgement!

Elysha Bailey 

When I first started I wanted to move toward a fitter body with a better mindset around a healthy lifestyle and remove unhealthy food and alcohol patterns.  I wanted to be able to be the best version of myself - physically, emotionally and mentally.

I expected to get results, maintain those results and improve on my lifestyle.  I wanted a clearer vision and understanding of how to achieve the results I wanted.

I now have a better understanding of what is actually going into my body and am now eating the correct foods to get the results I want.

The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is a much clearer mindset and I really love the ongoing support and guidance.  My biggest achievement from the coaching experience is actually getting the results I wanted to get and being able to see the end goal in sight. 

I really enjoy the accountability, ongoing support and guidance and the coaching was supportive, consistent and with zero judgement!

Elysha Bailey 


Before I started with Kristin I was suffering from back pain and I couldn't carry my baby girl.  I couldn't lose weight and had no motivation to go gym. I didn't have a routine or any consistency with what I was doing. 

After working with Kristin I started to eat more and was increasingly aware of healthier choices. 

I felt more confident to performing exercises with you and I began  getting stronger and losing weight and at the same time not hurting my back due to  a bulging disc after my pregnancy:

Exercising with Kristin helped me mentally and I feel stronger and more energetic to play with my daughter.  Kristin coached me and supported me in making better life choices and challenged me to train harder. She changed my life for the better and I’m so grateful.

Nassem Nafarsi


Before I started with Kristin I was suffering from back pain and I couldn't carry my baby girl.  I couldn't lose weight and had no motivation to go gym. I didn't have a routine or any consistency with what I was doing. 

After working with Kristin I started to eat more and was increasingly aware of healthier choices. 

I felt more confident to performing exercises with you and I began  getting stronger and losing weight and at the same time not hurting my back due to  a bulging disc after my pregnancy:

Exercising with Kristin helped me mentally and I feel stronger and more energetic to play with my daughter.  Kristin coached me and supported me in making better life choices and challenged me to train harder. She changed my life for the better and I’m so grateful.

Nassem Nafarsi


“Hi! My name is Jamie, and I’ve been training with Kristin for over a year now. What I love most about my online training is I have 24 hour access to Kristin and I think traditional PTs you really only see them during your session. I literally have access 24/7 and I love it.  It's fantastic!

I feel it makes you more accountable; Filling in your daily information and your training and I love the program. I have to say for someone that has done F45, CrossFit, and other personal training, this has to be the best because the program is just so easy to follow.

The follow up from Kristin, like the motivation that she gives me, she checks in daily, it's fantastic. I would highly recommend Kristin and her online training program.”

Jamie Smith 

Coach Kristin has a wealth of knowledge, she knows a lot about exercise and nutrition. She's also good at encouraging you to try a little harder, while she's very patient and understanding, and providing emotional support while you are on this training journey.

Kristin doesn't just talk the walk, but also walks the walk. She looks after herself by training hard and eating healthy. She is the kind of coach you need, she understands the journey.


Coach Kristin has a wealth of knowledge, she knows a lot about exercise and nutrition. She's also good at encouraging you to try a little harder, while she's very patient and understanding, and providing emotional support while you are on this training journey.

Kristin doesn't just talk the walk, but also walks the walk. She looks after herself by training hard and eating healthy. She is the kind of coach you need, she understands the journey.
